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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Evil Islands : Curse of the Lost Soul System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2004-06-02 15:59:11 Views : 26769 Skip Levels You can't "skip levels", but you can enter any zone you want any time in the game using following cheat: @leavetozone(0,"name",0) Instead of name you can use following strings to be transported to the various zones. (for example, @leavetozone(0,"bz1g",0) brings you to the village on the first island) Briefing Zones: bz10k - New Green clan's residence bz11k - Abandoned mines bz13h - Fortress bz14h - Last Shelter bz15h - Old necromancer's tower bz16h - Secret trading place bz18h - Cave - meeting place bz1g - Village Game Zones: gz10g - Tunnel gz11k - City environs gz12k - Abandoned mines gz13k - Karansul's domain gz14k - Forbidden catacombs gz15h - Death canyon gz16h - Wormheads' cave gz17h - Necromancers' desert gz18h - The city of Suslanger and its environs gz19h - Portal Give Attributes to Other Characters To give strength, intelligence or dexterity to your second and third characters, enter @givestrength(getunitofplayer(0,1 or 2),XXX) where 1 is the second player and 2 is the third player. Do the same for dexterity and intelligence. Unknown Console Commands localrate rate ban kick partyresend days generateacks disconnect net memusage server join fadeout execute or exec lastfps loadvar listvar show filter history console debuginfo Cheat Codes In game press '~' key to bring up the console and then enter "thingamabob". After that the "Activated!" message will appear and all following codes will be unlocked: Cheat Code - Granted Wish @godmode(0,1) - God Mode @givestrength(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) - Give Strength XXX (# of points) @givedexterity(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) - Give Dexterity XXX (# of points) @giveintelligence(getunitofplayer(0,0),XXX) - Give Intelligence XXX (# of points) help - List of Console Commands give 0 money x - Give x Amount of Money give 0 exp x - Give x Amount of Experience Points fps 0 or 1 - Show Framerate Note: the "give 0 exp xxx" and "give 0 money xxx" can only be used AFTER you have reached the first town and can only be used at the camp screen. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Evil Islands : Curse of the Lost Soul cheat codes.
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